Peer-Reviewed Publications

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    Identifying Exemplary School Counseling Practices in Nationally Recognized High Schools
    (2009-01-01) Militello, Matthew; Dimmitt, Carey; Carey, John; Lee, Vivian; Schweid, Jason
    The National Center for School Counseling Outcome Research (CSCOR) at the University of Massachusetts-Amherst studied exemplary practices of 18 high schools that received recognition for college preparation and placement in 2004 and 2005. Through interviews with key personnel at each of the high schools, the researchers generated a set of ten domains that characterize the work of the school counselor that seem to be related to improved student enrollment in post-secondary institutions.
  • Publication
    School Counselor Knowledge, Beliefs, and Practices Related to the Implementation of Standards-Based Comprehensive School Counseling in the United States
    (2018-01-01) Lauterbach, Alexandra A.; Harrington, Karen; Yakut, Ayse D.; Krezmien, Michael
    As school counselors have adapted to changing policy and social structures, their beliefs, knowledge, and practices have evolved. Over the past two decades, a body of survey research has examined school counselors’ beliefs, knowledge, and practices, though no systematic review exists. In this review, we synthesize and evaluate survey research on the knowledge, beliefs, and practices relevant to the implementation of a standards-based comprehensive school counseling model in the United States. We identify the most salient findings, evaluate the research, identify the most rigorous studies, discuss their findings, and provide recommendations for future research. Considering the recent changes to how funding is distributed to states and schools within the Every Student Succeeds Act of 2015, such research is both timely and necessary to help clarify and increase the role school counselors play in helping schools achieve the goals of legislation.
  • Publication
    Social Media and Professional School Counselors: Ethical and Legal Considerations
    (2014-01-01) Mullen, Patrick R.; Griffith, Catherine; Greene, Jennifer H.; Lambie, Glenn W.
    The use of social media continues to expand in prevalence and is a medium of communication for individuals of all ages. Schools are using social media to engage their stakeholders at increasing rates. Therefore, school counselors require the knowledge and appreciation of ethical and legal issues regarding the use of such technology. The purpose of this manuscript is to: (a) introduce the development and prevalence of social media; (b) review legal and ethical issues related to social media use in schools; and (c) present strategies in which school counselors can engage in ethical interactions via social media.
  • Publication
    School Counseling Intervention Research on College Readiness, College Access, and Postsecondary Success: A 10-Year Content Analysis of Peer-Reviewed Research
    (2017-01-01) McMahon, George; Griffith, Catherine; Mariani, Melissa; Zyromski, Brett
    Recent demands from educators and policymakers require school counselors to ensure that students are college and career ready. In this 10‐year content analysis of peer reviewed research, investigators sought to review and describe the available intervention research designed to improve post‐secondary success. Ten (n = 10) articles published between 2007‐2016 met the inclusion criteria and were coded across the dimensions of project leadership, program goals, and research rigor. All ten intervention studies identified were implemented in high school settings, and five of the ten were large‐scale, multi‐modal collaborative interventions. None of the articles were published in counseling journals, and various levels of rigor were represented across the studies. Implications for researchers and school counselors are discussed.
  • Publication
    A Model for Evidence-Based Elementary School Counseling: Using School Data, Research, and Evaluation to Enhance Practice
    (2008-01-01) Dimmitt, Carey; Carey, John
    In this article we present a model for evidence‐based school counseling practice that involves using data to specify problems that need addressing, using multidisciplinary teams to identify and implement research‐based interventions, and evaluating interventions and programs to demonstrate effects. Potential benefits of this approach for elementary school counselors include interventions with better outcomes for students and enhanced professional standing.